Friday, January 8, 2010


Im at a loss of topics to talk about this week... WEIRD HUH??    So I thought I would post about fun trip to Minneapolis.

 Mike has agents that he works with in the Twin Cities and he invited me to ride up with him and meet up with old friends while he wasnt in meetings. The trip started out with us leaving Sun Prairie about an hour early (thank you low census) and arriving around 1:30pm.  Mike was a tad hesitant to invite me along thinking that I would be bored. He couldnt have been more wrong... I had the best day to myself ever!  
First of all, I will preface by saying that I friggen love having 'alone days,'  its not that I dont love Mike to death but there is just something to be said about having a WHOLE day to do whatever, whenever and of course wherever.

With that being said, Mike left for his first meeting around 9am, at that time I still was relaxing in bed. (I never sleep that late) Then, I went up to the health club in the hotel and ran on the treadmill for only 20mins. (Better than nothing right?) I was too excited to check out the shopping etc... I  got back to the room and took the most relaxing bath. I had brought stuff to give myself a moisturizing facial, new razor to shave the hairiest legs on Earth (gross huh.... ahhh whatever) and tons of magazines. It was perfect!  Then, I got ready and decided sinceI didnt have a timeline that I would try something different with my hair. After about 35 trys, I said "screw it" and just parted it on the opposite side that I normally do and I was adorable. Its so funny how something so little can give you a little boost.
At around noon, I was finally ready to leave the room. I decided instead of taking the car around the downtown area I would check out the area around the hotel (Radisson Plaza)  IT WAS AWESOME! Since I have never really been downtown Minneapolis before I had no idea that everything was accessible via a skywalk. Im talking a two story Target, Gap, Macys, Saks Outlet, the hotel, Panera Bread and a million other places!  

While I was out and about I had only ONE destination. I have a freind from H.S that designs handbags. Not just boring, run-of -the-mill handbags but gorgeous NY runway handbags!!!!( Seriously, they are featured in NYC boutiques) Im obsessed with them! They are called NELLE handbags. My freind, Laura Nelli, the designer had these beaut's at an Aveda salon called Juut.  I was on a mission to find her display and let me tell you... the display was beautiful! She has such an amazing talent you guys! Check her out  here .  So, long story short this salon was about 2.5 secs away from our hotel, which was absolutly perfect! While I was at Juut I decided to get a manicure.... ahhhhhhhhh relaxing again.
After my hour of pampering, I went to Macys and got Mike a new shirt and tie. Guess what color????  You got it... PURPLE! Its friggen HOT!  I love it when guys where fun, upbeat colors besides the classic grey, white, blue, white/blue, etc...   Then I headed to the two story Target. This place was rediculous! I love Target but this one makes "Super Target" look small. I rummaged around there for about 45mins and decided that I needed a little pick me up and since Starbucks is located inside. HA! The line for this place was insane. I swear about  30 people were in line to get their mid afternoon pick me up as well.  I decided that Panera Bread probably wouldnt be as crowded and I was right!  It was great, I walked in, and just the smell of the brewed coffee/baked goods madee me warm n' fuzzy inside. I decided to sit and relax in one of the comfy couch style chairs and enjoy my cup o' goodness.
  I am telling you, Panera is another great place to people watch. I sat for about 20 mins and listened to everybodys business and thought to myself "I am so lucky to have today off."  
After my cup of joe I headed back to the hotel and on the way back I saw a sign for Rock Bottom Brewery. I know there is a location in Milwaukee and thought hmmmmmmmmm maybe Mike will want to go here for a beer later.  When I got to the room, I turned on the computer (free WiFi) and lurked FB/blogs til Mike got in.
From there we went to Mall of America and that place is INSANE!  4 Victorias Secrets... really??? Give me a break!  I exchanged some things and we were out of there. Seen one mall you've seen em' all!  
On the way back I mention Rock Bottom to Mike and he was pumped for the microbrews so we ate and had a couple beers and discussed our weight loss challenge. (Stay tuned) It was great food too. I ordered the Halibut stirfry with extra veggies and Mike had a burger.  After dinner we walked back to the hotel and decided that we should have an 'after dinner cocktail' so we stopped in the hotel bar and had one more drink and Ive gotta say... that was the BEST ending to the relaxing day to myself.   Short story long...(ha ha) I heart Minneapolis.  I dont know if I would live there but certainly a GREAT city to visit!

Thanks honey for having clients in that city! I had a blast!

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